
andy bilich

Research Consultant

Andy Bilich is a Research Consultant at Nataij Group, where he provides data analysis and technical support on a wide range of projects. Notably, he spearheaded two United Nations Industrial Development Organization baseline studies, one focused on the Mediterranean region and the other on the East African Community. Both assessed challenges to and opportunities for urban sustainability and will be used to inform the formulation of project proposals under the latest four-year investment cycle of the Global Environment Facility, GEF-7.

In addition to his work at Nataij Group, Andy has considerable experience constructing models and conducting quantitative analysis on data related to energy access, generation, efficiency, and policy. He is particularly passionate about collaborating with local communities to advance sustainable energy and socioeconomic development.

Andy holds a Master of Environmental Science and Management degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara and an undergraduate degree in Natural Resources and Resource Economics from the University of Connecticut.